Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What does VISTA stand for?

What does VISTA stand for?

VISTA is a short time ago a fancy word someone came up near. It doesn't means anything not resembling windows XP, which surrounded by case you don't know stands for eXPerience and what an experience it have been. Don't know much something like VISTA yet.
If you're discussion about the Windows OS, it doesn't stand for anything, it's purely some weird label Microsoft came up next to.
to my knowledge...Vista does not stand for anything. but it previous pet name was longhorn
I regard as for 'Vile, Incompetent Software That Aggravates'.
i say alonso is rite.....


but acctually it technique noting.
it's code for total crap.
Well, a vista is a scenery or a sight to see.

Microsoft own the notion thast their Aero interface is quite something to look at, hence Vista.

Personally, it's not that special.
Vista is another word for judgment


When microsoft changed the autograph from Longhorn, they had other name such as Ruby and such like but from the Marketing Team they approved that was the best cross.

VISTA is not an acronymn

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