Friday, September 17, 2010

What are the round things on some cable?

What are those cylinder-like protrusions on moniter cable, some USB cables and the hoary parrellel port cables?

What are the round things on some cable?

If I am not mistaken, you are chitchat about the little plastic things that wrap around the cable nearly 2 inches before the connectors.

They are Electromagnetic Interference filter. Since your monitor cable is most likely running subsequent to a bunch of other cables and electronics, they are subject to deeply of interference from these other devices. The filters shrink the amount of noticeable interference surrounded by the video signal.
If you are refering to those things that screw in place. Than thats what it is, it screw them in place so they don't crash off.
if it is what i have an idea that you are talking in the region of it is a filter for the cable or line.

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