Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Video Cards?

My computer runs really slowly and everyone has said it is because of our video card. How do you find out what benevolent of video card you have? Also, roughly speaking how much do they cost? Thanks!!

Video Cards?

Slow computer has nil to do with video card. There could be a program cause this. Go to start, run, type in msconfig, in need quotes. Click ok. On the top right, click startup, then click disable adjectives, or use to determine what you want to keep. Scroll through until you see your antivirus software, consequently check that. Click apply, then close. Restart your computer.

NOTE: Disabling adjectives, including antivirus, will make your computer look close to it is in out of danger mode, with adjectives hardware enabled.
Click Start-->Run. Type in dxdiag. Click on the video tab & that'll bring up to date you your video card.

However, a slow computer that's not running games means that the culprit isn't the video card. Check to see if you own enough RAM and run a spyware scan (use Spybot).
Your computer would not run slow because of a video card. YOu probably involve a faster processor or more RAM, and not a video card.
8800 gts 640mb evga - 435.00

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